***Clever Log In***
 An easy way to log in and learn with all of the online programs and resources selected by their teacher and school district.
a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and real world applications for over 5000 scholastic concepts ***Sciencing***
Provides content across three distinct categories — Homework Help, Projects/Inspiration, and News/Editorial — showing how science affects day-to-day life and visually awesome science experiments.
Over 3000 years of world history covering people, places, and discoveries across time. Encyclopedia of world cultures which includes other reference tools like calendars and calculators. More than 10,000 events from world history with accompanying timelines, quizzes to check your understanding, and more!
Engaging reading and presentation experiences that cover the gamut of educational topics. (Requires account signup and login)
Every educational topic in an easy to understand format--from science to history to jokes and games! Free math and science games for class, home, or anywhere.
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